Pet Peeves

A friend of mine says that her doctor is all about meds. "Because they're all in the pocket of big pharma." (They spend mucho bucks on meds every month.)

I told her that mine doesn't push pills. I told my doc that I do NOT want to be on meds. He agreed.

My doc listens to me. I appreciate him.
That’s awesome!!!
A friend of mine says that her doctor is all about meds. "Because they're all in the pocket of big pharma." (They spend mucho bucks on meds every month.)

I told her that mine doesn't push pills. I told my doc that I do NOT want to be on meds. He agreed.

My doc listens to me. I appreciate him.
Your friend is right. A healthy patient makes the doctor and pharma no money. Keep people sick and keep the money coming in. If anyone wants proof, just watch a commercial for a medicine. The side effects are insane. But they push more meds to combat those side effects. It's a vicious cycle
Your friend is right. A healthy patient makes the doctor and pharma no money. Keep people sick and keep the money coming in. If anyone wants proof, just watch a commercial for a medicine. The side effects are insane. But they push more meds to combat those side effects. It's a vicious cycle
Yup. That's why I told my doc no pills. My cholesterol was 241 last summer, which is just into the high level. He was concerned about the number, but not to the point of suggesting meds. I said I am going to work on getting it down, and he was fine with that.

And I am doubling down on working on it. My next physical is in July.
Yup. That's why I told my doc no pills. My cholesterol was 241 last summer, which is just into the high level. He was concerned about the number, but not to the point of suggesting meds. I said I am going to work on getting it down, and he was fine with that.

And I am doubling down on working on it. My next physical is in July.
Hope you can get it down and keep it down
I can certainly understand not wanting customers to snap thrir fingers at you! But .. how SHOULD a customer get wait staff's attention, if they need them, or feel they're being ignored? Some introduce thrmselves, "Hi, I'm Lisa, I'll be your server tonight," is nice, but I'm not going to yell, "Hey, Lisa!" if I don't see her.
Ask any other waiter or busser that's nearby for what you want or for your waiter. They'll know who is covering your table.

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