Pet Peeves

Why did you even take a picture of that?!
Leaving See Ya GIF by grown-ish
It doesn't necessarily prove parentage though. Personally, I'd be more suspicious because they've gone out of their way to "prove" something that I wouldn't have questioned otherwise.
Just seems cheap, and not the kind of thing you'd see from a reputable breeder.
A lot of people paying big money for dogs want to see it because of crooked people.

I've been out of the dog world for a long time, but it got to be that so many people were hanging papers and screwing other people over, that it became common practice to prove ties with photos. By very reputable breeders.
A lot of people paying big money for dogs want to see it because of crooked people.

I've been out of the dog world for a long time, but it got to be that so many people were hanging papers and screwing other people over, that it became common practice to prove ties with photos. By very reputable breeders.
None of these pics were posted in ads or anything like that though. They were provided to the buyer/bitch/stud owner.

Those kind of pics would indeed be very.... distasteful in a public ad.
I agree on the beer (most of the time.)
Unless your hot and It's cold. Or boiled seafood (especialy crawfish). :drool is involved.
I like Kuluha. Its like drinking a candy bar.
Yes, I get a craving for beer sometimes in these horrid summers in the deep south. I just really have never liked the taste of beer. Some beers of course are better than others. I like some of the imports. I drink to get a buzz and you have to drink too many to achieve that with beer. Crown Royal to me just taste good and I can drink it straight and get the sought after results much faster than beer šŸ˜

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