Pet Turkey's?

My experience with Bourbon Red and one Holland White Turkeys they will almost always prefer to roost out side but to keep them safe from predators they need to be in there coop each night.
Each night they have to be coxed into going into there coop there like kids but once they see me or my Son heading towards them the will walk up the ramp and go inside there coop.
it just takes repetitive night after night to train them to go in the coop that's the only draw back I have between Turkeys and Chickens the Turkeys want to be tucked in
Hello! I have 3 Bourbon Reds as pets, so far they look female and they're about 3 months old. We've had them for about 2 months and they're still scared if us, they freak out when we try to pet them. Any suggestions on how to socialize them? We built them a nice coop, let them roam the yard all day, feed them well and have handled them since day one but no luck. Thank you!!
Hello i just wanted to share my pet house turkey. This is my first post not shure if i was to reply to the last post or start a new one.. But here it goes..she is precious and she has her own fish tank for her enjoyment, she goes to the vet, and gets injections for joint support. She is spoiled and we like her this way, we rescued her from the feed store at one week old, she couldn't walk and without therapy she would have died at the feed store cuz she was not able to get to food or water without someone placing her in front of it




Yes she can walk, but she limps and one foot has curled toes... I wrap them and the bi weekly injections help her alot
Hello i just wanted to share my pet house turkey. This is my first post not shure if i was to reply to the last post or start a new one.. But here it goes..she is precious and she has her own fish tank for her enjoyment, she goes to the vet, and gets injections for joint support. She is spoiled and we like her this way, we rescued her from the feed store at one week old, she couldn't walk and without therapy she would have died at the feed store cuz she was not able to get to food or water without someone placing her in front of it

Awesome Turkey! How do you manage her bathroom habits? I am moving and thinking of getting a turkey after the move.
I have six month old BBW She is the best. I am fighting her foot really bad right now since they are bred to be food not friend. We are giving her calcium supplements daily and She is also pretty much a house turkey. I love her to pieces.

The best advice I can give you is to watch her weight right away. They get too big too fast and I notice her breathing and limbs are starting to pay the price for my lack of knowledge when she was younger. Good luck!
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OMG! There must be somthing with turkey lovers and cockatoos! We have a MSC!....lurk has problems with her joints and she has really bad curl toes on one foot, we switched her diet to a show diet and it has less fat and less protine to hopfully keep her weight down, she is also on biweekly injections of ichon to help her joints.. It makes the world of difference... If you can get her to a vet and ask for it if your comfortable injecting her...... I would give you my vets info so your vet can call to talk with my vet about how well ichon has helped lurk, ... House turkeys are the best if you dont mind cleaning up after them! TMANDOR i would like to connect with you do you have an email? Its not so often you find another turkey lover! She is beautiful!
Its alot of work, we have covered our hard wood floors with bathroom rugs for softness, and then on top of those we got tan colored giant vinyl table cloths the ones with the felt backs... There easy to clean and east to replace. She stays in the living room all day while we are at work when i come home i clean the turds up.... And then i clean them in the morning when i get up and while im home i follow her as she does them and clean them up........ But you can diaper train a turkey if you start them young they will get used to poopin in them and it will make things much easier on you., but all the work i do cleaning up after her is so worth it... She is the best pet!

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