Pet Turkey's?

Welcome brother.
My wife and I are both disabled vets and have PTSD . In fact, we met in the VA hospital.

I found the turkeys and chickens, especially the turkeys to be very therapeutic.. From actually having to get out of the house to care for living things that depend on me, to the physical work involved in building and maintaining the coop and pen.. Also, after the work is done sitting back and watching them interact with each other.. I could sit on a lounge chair for hours and watch their dynamics.. Kind of like an outdoor fishtank, only i can handle the birds.

I have found the turkeys to be a lot more "people friendly" .. The chickens and turkeys are raised in the same environment and conditions, but while the chickens will stay more than an arms length from me even at feeding time, the turkeys will come up to me and greet me.. If I'm outside the coop working, they come out and hang out with me while i'm working. No offense to any "chicken people" on the board. But this is the turkey area of the forum.

Here is my thing with all the birds when it comes to who gets eaten. I have it decided when I get them.. I buy Cornish X chickens with the intention of slaughter. It's cruel to keep them alive.. Same goes with the turkeys.. I order the white or bronze domestics.. I also got into this knowing that i would have to cull some toms from time to time..

I think someone mentioned it a bit ago, but if you're going to keep them around as pets, stick to the heritage breeds..
rgph2007, Afghantzi (and Mrs. Afghantzi) - thank you for your selfless service!

When considering a turkey as a pet, are the females noisey? I was thinking a girl would be quieter than a male. Also, how high a fence do I need? I don't want her/them free ranging the neighborhood.

I am guessing I would actually need two so no one gets lonely, right?

We have a Blue Slate tom that we hatched out last year in May. He follows us all over the place and always has to be where we are. If we leave and the neighbors are outside he goes over to visit them. He stands on the deck looking in the windows for us. He can get very sassy at times but so far he hasn't been sentenced to the oven.
Aww, he's adorable!

Now, how do I go about finding the perfect pet turkey?

Which breed makes the best pet? I am guessing heritage turkey since there's no way I could eat someone I've raised.

Are there any personality differences between the breeds and/or genders?
My little turkey is named Buzzy
and he's the best pet! He/she is a bourbon red, i'm not sure on gender but Buzzy will strut, but ONLY for our bunny. He has a crush on her I guess. My vote is bourbon red, they're easy to find and really sweet, with pretty feathers. He was the sweetest little poult he followed me everywhere and always wanted to be in my lap. Just don't get broad breasted because they don't live long due to their size.

Saturday morning cartoons

Strutting for his woman

Closeup with crumbs all over his face

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