Pets or Produce?

I promised hubby that we would eat some of our birds before he would agree to let me have them. So my kids have their pets, I have a few favorites and then we have our extra roosters that everyone knows will be food. Kids show for 4H. I am thinking of going to a show to see if it would be something I am interested in as I have been trying to get show quality birds and replace my hatchery birds.

So a bit of both!
I have some that are pets, some for eggs,some for chicks and I am working up to the meat birds. The ones that are pets yes they are staying regardless if they lay or not the others would have to go though. I have 3 mixed roosters that I raised and are the sweetest things. They are some of my pets one is however going to live with my mother this summer because one of the roosters she has is very aggressive to the hens not people though. I have 2 brand new Sizzles and they are for my breeding program but one of them is my pet as well.
Interesting question. Mine started out simply to provide eggs, but NEVER for meat.
I was surprised that they do have many pet qualities and I truly enjoy them as a group, yet on a much lower level than my dogs and cats (who are still in the "NEVER for meat category"! LOL). Surprisingly, I do enjoy raising them for meat and have even processed them. It will probably continue to evolve as I keep chickens.
Mine are still sort of Amorphous Future Chickens, but my intentions right now are more in the "pets with benefits" range.

I'm choosing breeds that are generally docile and friendly, and I don't intend to cull, but I do want eggs as part of the deal, so I'm also looking at breeds with a rep for being good layers. I plan to spend time with and handle them, they'll have names, etc. It's a lot of the reason I'm being really intentional in advance about the size of my flock and the enclosure I'm building. Just as I've tried to prepare for other animals under my care (the dogs, the rats, etc.), I want to be the best chicken-keeper I can be.
You stole my answer! I am so looking forward to the possibility of pets with benefits this summer...I've had the breeds, names, and coop picked out for quite some time. ^_^
Pets, with the benefit of eggs. After they are done laying, they will comfortably retire until the natural end of their days. No, the chickens don't understand the 'reward' of comfortable retirement, but I adore them for their pet qualities. They are useful to me beyond their egg laying days in the same way my parrots and other pets are useful to me: they are entertaining, some of them are affectionate (in my perception), and personable companions. All that said, please don't misunderstand-- I respect and am thankful that others keep their birds for meat, too.

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