Petting your birds and loving them

better when you get an older animal and bring it around. All that time and effort really pays off and is incredibly gratifying.

Boy did you hit on the nail. You can never love to much. Without expectation and have them love you back is a precious gift.

My girls are all only 6 weeks old and I'm new to owning chickens. I play with them everyday and hold each one of them so they are used to me. I now have them in there coop and everyday I let them out in there run. I'm kinda hooked I have to say. I find myself sitting on the ground and they come over waiting for me to pet them. Usually a couple of the Barred Rocks will hop right up on my lap and wait for me to pat them. after a short period of time all of them are surrounding me looking for a little love. That is if love is in the form of food I'm sure. I feel like Ace Ventura pet detective when they are all around. Very cool experience each and every time. I love my girls!
Do you folks out there handle and love your birds too? Yes & yes absolutely
How much is to much or never enough? too much is never enough? lol
Do your birds come to you for love and affection? they definitely do
Do your birds come running to you when they hear or see you? they sure do - mostly wondering if it's treat time though
Do your birds make lots of sounds around you even more when they are outside alone? they make different cooing sounds in my lap, they really do try to talk to us, I wonder what they're saying
Have you noticed any differences in the way they treat you since stroking them and loving them with soft talk?
Yes, I can walk right up to them in the yard and they don't run or walk away, they just stay still = trust (Great for photo taking hehe)
I love this thread, it's so cute hearing about everyone's birds showing them love! Chickens are social creatures, it's how they have been designed to flourish and succeed. They'd probably not make it as a species if they didn't respond to affection, as that is the basic social building block (whether based on food love or not).

I have a chicken named Darla that loves loves loooooooves to gossip to me. She gets her treats along with the rest of the birds, but when they disappear to do other chicken things, she stays behind and climbs into my lap (I get pecked if I don't sit down for her
She has me trained). She proceeds to occupy my lap and clucks an entire montage to me. I swear she's catching me up on gossip, all Desperate Housewives style. Once she's done, she primly gets up and hops off, the daily ritual done. She's a riot.

Now my other bird, Iti, is more than happy to take treats from me and pretend that I'm evil Godzilla or something. Then the little brat will go cuddle my DH, who doesn't give them treats as often as I do. Oh well, I have all sorts of dirt on her from Darla.
I have had chickens for just over 2 years now. I am up to 30 – all raised by me from a day old, some hatched by me or a broody here. I have 2 that are complete lap babies – 1 is a 19 week old Blue Ameraucana cockerel and the other is a 19 week old Black Ameraucana pullet. They actually compete for lap time and fight over it. They still try to get their heads under the wing so to speak and seem to adore being petted relentlessly. It is not about the treats for them although the pullet never says no to a raisin. (The cockerel will.) All my birds are friendly although many of them would prefer not to be touched including the others that were raised with my cuddly Ameraucanas. They will run to me when they see me coming, follow me, get on me or sit at my feet or near me but don’t appreciate a hand approaching. Most of them are probably most interested in me because of the treats. But they also seem to know that I represent safety. (Some of us have been through predator attacks.)

I find the social dynamics of chickens fascinating. I hope I don’t insult anyone with this comment but much of their behaviour reminds me of autistic kids.

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