PG 32 to 39 Cindy & Tori's AWESOME! hatch! Plus PICS!!

man all this quail eatin making me itchy to eat 1 of mine,,,, do ya think a handful of week olds would make a snack ?
if you plan on eating them that young i don't think 2 hand fulls would be a

once you fatten them up and they hit 8 weeks old i say try a few
I find processing quail to be easy. We only process the spaz birds and
extra mails so that makes it easier too. The calm hens that eat oatmeal
from my hand are in the clear.

Everything can be done right in the kitchen sink with minimal mess.
A pair of sharp scissors and a small knife is all you need.

Alright, I just have to ask.....'cause I really was thinking it sounded like a job suitable for the kitchen (and it appears I was right). Can the guts go down the garbage disposal? I know I can put raw meat in mine and it eats most of it but leaves the tougher stuff (which I in turn have to pull back out). And, if they CAN'T then what am I supposed to do with them? That is one more thing stopping me from raising meat.
Alright then, it is decided. I am going to try quail. Oh my. I may end up standing at the kitchen sink holding a quail and crying my eyes out, then plopping him back in with the rest......but I am going to try this!!!!
You definitely should; you won't be disappointed and it really is easier than you think. Never thought I could do it either; I have a hard time with chickens. I also like the fact that they grow and mature in 6-8 weeks as opposed to 6-8 months. If I didn't already have chickens, I'd have nothing but quail.
The 6 to 8 week thing is one reason I think I could do it. Surely I can manage to stay detached for that long!!!!

One thing you could do, the1much, is batter and deep fry a whole plate of them whole and hold them by the legs to eat like tail on shrimp. LOL
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LOL yay! Christy so glad you are going to try quail

i am still trying to get my bator set right it should be ready in a few because the eggs are wanting to go in already!
wait what happen to my avatar??
not again!

LOL oh never mind i am on another computer is all .. i need sleep Lol
Last edited: is still your computer, Mark. I see you just fine!!!!

Well, we will see how it goes. I will TRY but that doesn't mean I will be able to!!!! Maybe you can encourage me when the time comes!!!!
By then you will be snacking on yours.

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