PG 32 to 39 Cindy & Tori's AWESOME! hatch! Plus PICS!!

Dang it so not all 75 or whatever bugtons hatched!?!?! How dare they not ALL hatch! LOL!

Oh well im glad a decient amount for what you expected hatched yippeee!
I am very happy with all the babies Cindy has gotten over the past couple of days.. i guess we can all say so far we have had *odd* hatches but none the less we have all ended up with the most cuteness babies

Congrats Cindy!
Oh dear... can I join in on the fun? Our youngest decided he wanted to take the 39 Bugton eggs I had saved before I sold all my Bugtons and incubate them for a 4H project...
Guess what's due tomorrow?
I told him he can keep a breeding pair, maybe two, and the rest have to be sold or given away. I don't have room for them anymore!!!

I think in about 2 weeks Cindy will know EXACTLY which are coturnix and which are not...
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Oh dear... can I join in on the fun? Our youngest decided he wanted to take the 39 Bugton eggs I had saved before I sold all my Bugtons and incubate them for a 4H project...
Guess what's due tomorrow?
I told him he can keep a breeding pair, maybe two, and the rest have to be sold or given away. I don't have room for them anymore!!!

I think in about 2 weeks Cindy will know EXACTLY which are coturnix and which are not...

By all means join in on the Bugton fun!!!!!
The more the merrier!!!! Yeah, ask me that when I'm building more cages and cleaning more poo LOL!!!! And I'm still having trouble believing my eyes. Came home today and there are 4 more bugtons hatched and a 5th on the way!!! What is today, like day 22????? No more jumbos though but here's the count so far (I think; danged things are hard to count!): 18 jumbos and 22 bugtons (not counting the one trying to hatch now). Tori - you're right - it's amazing how much the "natural" bugtons look like the jumbos!!! Get ready for some pics:




This is a very different color for me. He almost didn't make it but now he's running around with the rest!


And the 4 that are hatched that I can't get because the fifth is taking its time:


Overall I'm very pleased!
OH my gosh Cindy!!! HAHA! So when are you going to say "okay all have hatched" and remove the rest of the eggs from teh bator? i'd be afraid to! it's freakish how everyday you're getting moreeeee
I dont think they're gonna stop! LOL!

Darn those cute Bugtons! Almost makes me want to get into them again.....

NOT! LOL! I'll drool from afar

Yep they do look a lot like coturnix, however the colors are opposite.... wild coturnix are predominantly tan with black, and wild bugtons are predomiantly black with tan
It's funny because I was so bummed when they weren't hatching, and now I wish they'd stop already!!!! I had 51 bugton eggs in there and so far have hatched 22 (maybe 23; just haven't gone back down). That is honestly the best hatch ever - almost 50% and it is COLD in my basement. 18 out of 28 jumbo eggs is really good for me too.

They can stop any time...I have the 6 buttons I needed
haha yes that you do (have 6 that you need, plus shipping peanuts eh)? LOL!

And how dare you you said BUTTONS! LOL! it's BUGTONS

As for the jumbos YES i'd say that's a great number out of that many!!!!

buttons? seesh are you KNOW they're bugtons now comon lady!

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