Pgymy Goat, Proven doe & 1 doeling for sale, WA State UPDATED

OMG how I wish I were closer. We are getting ready to soon start our goat heard
Because I'm "boarding" them at their house and hubby does not want them so he will not make me a pen at our house. They raise high % boers and don't want them in their "breeding" program. Nothing is wrong with either goat--other than Peaches is 0% Boer and Matilda is related to their only boer buck.
yeah, me too! LOL They really just need a good, forever home and my in-laws are griping more & more about having to house them. I already gave them the buckling to make sausage out of as a "payment" but they are still upset about feeding my other two. I have given them hay bale after hay bale but it's not really about that, it's more about them taking up space, I think
Going to speak with my husband about this...we have been wanting goats for a while but haven't gotten around to it.

No guarantees here as we would have tons to get in order etc. and he is leaving for Alaska for work next week but I will mention it to him.

Would you be willing to post an updated pic?

Just for information sake as we would be new to goating how often to you worm them and do hoof care? Also what is there general feed situation at this time.

I would love info regardless as even if we end up not being prepared to get goats now we definitely would like some in the future.

Excellent...where are you located? I can get some updated pics either Thursday or this weekend, when my hubby gets back and can help me...they will be up to date on hoof & worming when they leave. They are out on 5+ acres right now, clearing brush, eating grass and they also get hay (alalfa) and a little bit of grain. I highly recommend checking out and/or searching this site--there are a lot of goat people much more knowledgable than I am.

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