pheasant /chicken crosses

so.....if i have a male white pheasant....are my hens in danger of being mated with? I have 2 banty hens, who hang close with my banty roo, an 2 standard hens (1 jersey giant and 1 wyandotte) who the roo does not seem to care for at this time (the standards are young).  /img/smilies/hmm.png
from what I've read only ringneck pheasant cocks produce offspring with domestic chicken hens
Does anybody have any of these ?

In the spring i am going to put a ringneck cock in with my laying hens and see what happens

Any one have any pics besides the one's on feather site

This is such an interesting experiment. I hope that it turns out well and I cant wait to hear more about the results!
There used to be a guy up the road from me that had male pheasants and banty hens together to get crosses. They sell for more than Regular Ringnecks but he doesn't breed them anymore. I actually caught one that got out and my dog killed it. They were calmer than Pheasants but not as calm as Chickens.
Very interesting, does anyone know if common ring pecks can cross with melanistic pheasants? Because I think I used to have one, if it is, we know the ringneck was the mum because we were after ring necks and one of the eggs had a tiny black thing inside it. It was born with dislocated hips but we tIDE a bandaid around his legs and now he's the fastest pheasant on two legs! He's also my personal favourite, other than Hermes, who pipped his egg but did not hatch, so we had to cut him out of his egg:jumpy
There used to be a guy up the road from me that had male pheasants and banty hens together to get crosses. They sell for more than Regular Ringnecks but he doesn't breed them anymore. I actually caught one that got out and my dog killed it. They were calmer than Pheasants but not as calm as Chickens.

I have 4 small cages with different male pheasants and different bantam hens to force them to breed, will let you know how they go.
So love the backyard full of hybrids
Seriously late reply but just did a quick search and found this conversation. I had a wild cock pheasant join forces with my hens (by that I mean he ate their food, roosted in the shed etc), and a month or so later we had a hen hatch 11 eggs. Only one survived to maturity, and she (Zipper) is most certainly crossed with the pheasant. She looks different to all the other chickens the same hen has hatched with the roo we have, she digs ditches and when she jumps the fence into the garden she sort of swoops - a lot more graceful than my hens! She's about 6 months old now, I'm not expecting her to live that long but it's fun having her. If interested, I can post a picture. She's a gorgeous caramel colour with black striped tail and black tipped wings, and a black stripe across the top of her head.

We ended up having to get rid of the cock pheasant though, he was distressing my hens and fighting with my roo. But his offspring is definitely alive and kicking!
Would like to see a picture of that I think all my chick ate hens might have to put my game. Roo in 28th thelm they are both young
There used to be a guy up the road from me that had male pheasants and banty hens together to get crosses. They sell for more than Regular Ringnecks but he doesn't breed them anymore. I actually caught one that got out and my dog killed it. They were calmer than Pheasants but not as calm as Chickens.
That is what I am going to do and see what happens
Crossing chickens with pheasants gives you sterile mules. If any eggs hatch the young will be weak and likely will die for the most part. Even the ones that make it through the first year don't live very long. Hybrids are damaging to the pheasant hobby as a whole.

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