Pheasant Chicken Hybrids

Sorry, I haven't abandoned you. Since my last posting I lost another hybrid to a snake. I had to redo the entire pen in 1/2 inch square wire to keep the snakes out. I have two left ... an older one that is a little over two months and a younger one. I tried putting them together, but the older tried to kill the younger. So the youngest is in with a peachick, and they are the best of buds.
Nice. Hopefully can get some in future
RedBaron- Awesome pics! If you are on facebook check out my group USA Breeders of Gamebirds and Wild Waterfowl

Would love for you to post some pictures there. I have a chicken x ringneck pheasant that I raised this summer also.
Do you have any pictures of yours? And does it look similar to these? Post some pictures so that we can compare them.
On a whim I bought day old pheasant chicks online. I saw it as a challenge to raise them, but so far they're doing we'll at three weeks out in their pen. I'm impressed that the cheasants are making it. From a genetic standpoint I was surprised that the chickens and pheasants actually had matchable DNA. Who'd thought that two different species from different families would be cross breedable. But wait.....aren't both from Asia originally? Wait.....aren't all pheasants an import breed to the US? But wait....tony....are you saving all these purebred and sending them back to Asia for reintroduction? But wait.....couldn't it be conceived that the reason there are different types of pheasants is because nature decided to throw a little wrench into the ringneck look. But wait...couldn't it be conceived that the reason there are different types of pheasants is that somewhere along the line they migrated into different territories and they (the pheasants that is) selectively bred out a variation in order to hide/blend in/attract? Seriously, someone needs to go back to community college and take a genetics course. I enjoyed seeing the pics of the progression of these cheasants. Maybe when mine grow up I'll see if my half breed rock will take an interest in the young phillies!
Red Baron, I enjoy seeing photos of your pheasant - chicken hybrids, and as I stated a week or so ago, I plan on trying to produce some myself with Sumatra and Black Mutant Ringnecks. I've also been wondering what I'd get if I crossed Sumatra and Silver pheasant. That might just make a beautiful bird.
I'm sorry some people got upset about your hybrids, that's one of the reasons I don't join these discussions more often, too many people think their way is the only way. But we're all into chickens and what other animals we keep for the fun of it, unless you've managed to actually make money at it, which I can never seem to do, and I don't think anyone should dictate what anyone else should do, no matter how much they don't like what they're doing. So please keep posting photos of your hybrids, I think they're a rare and extremely interesting example of something different in our chicken hobby.
They look interesting. I am a big fan of the pures but a hybrid is always interesting to look at. Have a few pure heritage-chicken hybrids (sounds silly, but I mean one pure line cross with another pure line) which were accidents but as many have stated, it doesn't stop the pure parent from breeding pure offspring. I think a pheasantXchook hybrid would taste interesting and would cater cheaper than a pure pheasant would unless the fertility is irregular. Love the photos and am dying to see what they look as adults.

Stumbled across this because I am going to hatch my first Pheasants in September (want to chase up a bit of research) and couldn't resist myself by the title "Hybrid". A shame for the massive arguement though, was a fun read none-to-less.

Beautiful peachick too by the way Red Baron. You have some lovely birds, I am jealous.
There's a good thread here about pheasant raising. Search for "warning: lots of pic" or something like that. I read this thread a couple of times for help, and so far my pheasants are growing strong at 4+ weeks. They're the size of pigeons now, and were flying at just a bit over two weeks!

Mine at three weeks chillin' on the ground.
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This are cool looking chicks, they will probly look something like this, I've been oogling these pictures on feathersite, love to have my own vulture(NNxGuinea)


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