Pheasants and chickens together?


12 Years
Aug 30, 2007
I'd like to get or hatch a pair of pheasants as one of my inherited chicken coops is very large. Can they be kept with chickens, or do they have to be separated? I'm looking at Goldens, Lady Amhersts or possibly Swinhoes. Thanks!
I have housed pheasants, chickens and rabbits together. I housed my ducks separately. I never had a problem of disease or any kind of bullying even though I had two REALLY big roosters. I had golden pheasants, lady Amherst, ringneck and a constantly varying amount of rabbits. I had this set-up for years.

The one thing the kept the bullying non-existant was my stately, aloof, extremely large ringneck cock.
He was hand-raised and mellow beyond belief. He was afraid of nothing. Probably because he had spent some of his formative years riding around on the dash or rear deck of my car.

He was the king of the pen. Nobody was allowed to get into a fight. Rabbits like to fight a lot. Attila (ringneck cock) watched over everything and if a squabble started he would jump down and smack the combatants on top of the head and go back to his Roost.

I raised a golden male with a chick because neither of them had any siblings survive. They grew up together in a tupperware storage container and then moved outside to live with the yard chickens.

If anybody would care to document with verifiable sources just what diseases that cause problems between chickens and pheasants I would be happy to peruse them.

Somebody told me just never has worked for me. I need proof from a reliable source. Like and agricultural college or veterinarian.

I've always had this belief that just because somebody owns a Chevy they know all about it.

This is how I keep the pheasants now....

This is midget. She is almost three. She has lived in the house from the day she hatched. She is a female Golden.
She laid her first eggs this year. She was the only egg that hatched so she was raised alone and socialized with humans. She spent her early months sitting on my wrist while I worked on the computer. Her only friend (animal) is our parrot. She attacks the peacocks and she is not big enough to keep the fight up so she will stay in the house until..........................................
So Tony...I don't mean to be a jerk and I do respect your opinion and experience on the subject but based on other members experience there is a chance that the two species can share a common space. I understand that in your experience perhaps the pheasants got ill and die but every rule is meant to be broken and to have an exception.
I asked you in another thread with the same question, if you say the two birds can't live together because they will eventually die, then can you give me an idea from your experience of the time it took the pheasant to get sick and die? Is it when they pheasants are chicks? Adults or it can happen anytime...let's say someone who has kept a pheasant and chicken together for 5 succesful years is bound to have that pheasant die out of the blue?
Also this is my chicken, she is the foster mom for my two pheasants, so should I just let them die? I don't have a brooder nor the money to buy what should I do?
well. I used to have pheasants in with my chickens. At one point there were 2 goldens, and 2 ringnecks in there at different times. I observed that chickens are BULLIES to pheasant and will jump on them and attack them. Therefore, my pheasant arent with them anymore. One must learn though.
I wouldnt recommend it, however if you hatched the pheasants and chickens togeather and brood them togeather you might be alright...pheasant are very picky in small spaces/brooders...

I know a fella that has a few ringneck and chickens that live togeather with no problems, he does free range them everyday, its funny to see them free ranging together.

They all go into his small barn but the pheasants do not roost on the same roost as the chickens do.

One other thing, pheasant can get sick easyly from being with chickens, but if brooded togeather they may build up better to them...

I just found out that someone at my daughter's preschool is hatching pheasants (not sure what kind). She is planning to release them into the wild here. I suddenly wanted to bring one or two home ... BUT I have three hens already (about a year old). Is it a super bad idea to entertain the thought of bringing home these pheasants? Is disease and picking inevitable? If so, then I will let the opportunity pass. But I get excited about bringing home new birds!

Please share your thoughts ....

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