Pheasants... Do's and Don'ts.


Easily distracted by Chickens
5 Years
Jun 3, 2016
Lewiston NY
Soo long story short I went out to buy some gray call ducks (For breeding purposes) and the man there was a very nice old farmer who had tons of birds. He had ducks, Peafowl, Chickens, Pheasants, and Turkeys. He showed me around his little set-up and show me a breeding pair of Red Golden Pheasants. I commented on how gorgeous they were and asked how much he sold them for... Said he normally sold adult pairs for around $250. I responded with 'Oh, Well I don't have the money or a proper enclosure for them but it's a nice thought!' So instead of loading my calls into the truck he showed me a pair of Red Golden pheasants that are just about under a year old and said 'Tell you what, If you have a pen built in time i'll give em' to you for free' My jaw hung open when I heard his offer and I immediately agreed. I thanked him again before loading my call ducks into the car and went back home were me and my father started working on the pen... Now my question is.. How am I going to take care of these guys? I almost have the pen ready just have to put a door on the actual coop part which is 6'x4' and lifted off the ground (Is that even big enough for two? I plan on adding two more hens later in the future ) The run is 16' x 6' and 8' tall. I plan on making roosts in the run for them to perch or jump on(Not for them to sleep on). It's also built off from my chicken coop to keep it out of the wind/snow.. That brings me to another question... How hardy are they? What type of bedding would they prefer in their coop? Shavings or straw? Also.. Should I make a nesting box for the hen or will it nest on the ground?
Another thought came to mind when I was feeding my turkeys, What type of feed should I use for them? None of the local feed stores sell what i'd normally give my turkeys any more (game bird chow)... Would flock feed work? Thats all the questions I have now but if you have anything else I need to know raising pheasants please let me know! Oh and breeding tips would be lovely as well ;) Thanks for any replies! I'll try and get some pictures of the pen up Asap.
I have no experience, but I was just reading this, and it appears informative.

Dumor (TSC) makes a fairly affordable 24% starter at $14 for 50 lb where I live.

Why don't you ask the seller some questions? If you try to keep the birds how they're used to being kept, there should be less stress.

I plan on asking him questions and what not. Just wanted to get some advice from here since I know some people here really know what they're doing. Thank you for your response! I'll check out the article right away!
Wow 250.00 a pair for red goldens?I get 50.00 a pair for young birds in the fall.Don't buy anything from him he sounds a little crooked to me.Even F1 red goldens don't go for that much.
In N.H.,Tony.
Really? Huh... He seems to sell out pretty fast.. I'll ask him about it could be a pair he got from someone he doesn't want or something like that... His calls were only $10 each which was the cheapest I could find in my around and they were full grown. I might of miss heard the price but I'm certain he said $250. Thanks for the information though.
Lot of ?'s to answer.First of all goldens are very hardy.A perching area is necessary for them,but don't put it up to high as predators can reach down and grab them.The gamebird and turkey feed is what they need along with some small kibble dry dog food as this has way more nutrients then their feed.They really should be on the ground with a sandy base and straw scattered around.I feed in bowls so their feed don't get all dirty.In the winter time you can poly them in(not Neccesary),but if you do don't poly the entire pen,let air get into it.As long as you keep the drafts off from their perching area they will do fine.Do not have them with or near chickens as chicken carry diseases that they can handle but will kill a pheasant.If you plan on adding birds you need to put all of them in a new pen at the sale time.An established pen even hens will kill new intruders.For nesting a hang a bushel basket from the side of the pen,lean a piece of plywood on the side like a lean to,ans put xmas trees in for nesting and hiding.This gives the hens options as to what they fell comfortable with.I covered pen is always better in my opinion,as it keeps their grounds dry,either wood or metal.You can provide a shed but they more then likely will ever use it.The do sleep on their perches.For breeding you need to set them up in late Jan with their nesting materials.You need to up their protein a little,fresh fruit(NO GRAPES),veggies,insects,peanuts(UNSALTED ONLY),pasta,wild bird seed anything to boost their breeding.I'm sure I've missed something,but feel free to ask anything you want to know.Attached a few pics of my pens and a few birds that I raise.
In N.H.,Tony.


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