Pheasants & quail


Mar 23, 2018
I have a brooding pair each of Red Golden & Yellow Golden Pheasants. I read that they cannot be put in a pen or aviary with chickens but was not given a reason why. Does anyone know? Also, is that the case with quail & pheasants & why (or why not)? Thank you in advance to anyone who can educate me on this.
Chickens carry diseases that they can handle,but will kill a pheasant over time.Pheasants and quail can live together as long as the pen is big enough for them to have their own perching area and space to get away from each other.Pheasants and quail should not even be close to chickens.
In N.H.,Tony.
Chickens carry diseases that they can handle,but will kill a pheasant over time.Pheasants and quail can live together as long as the pen is big enough for them to have their own perching area and space to get away from each other.Pheasants and quail should not even be close to chickens.
In N.H.,Tony.
Thank you.

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