Photo Critique Club

Post #1300 go look at it and vote below

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🙄🤚Do More!😩🤚 Less is More® Kiki Winz!
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Jul 31, 2015
Houston, TX
My Coop
My Coop
Welcome to the picture party.

Having trouble deciding which picture to use?

Having trouble figuring out what exactly looks off?

Post the picture of here and we (who ever thinks they can help) will offer advice.

The rules are to say it nicely.


The picture might look better if you took it straight on instead of at an angle.

Ok thanks! I'll try again.
Can I post a photo that I think there is something wrong with or something I don’t like and see if anyone else agrees or sees it too?
Having trouble figuring out what exactly looks off?

Post the picture of here and we (who ever thinks they can help) will offer advice.
That’s exactly the purpose of the thread!
I like it better at the angle (first picture). It gave more depth to the picture. I'd try giving it an angle from the front view to see how it looks, but I really think the back angle looked the best.
Shizzle... I did not think this through.
I just quickly took two pictures.

I probably could have done much better job with an example picture. 🤫

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