photos show etiquette?


11 Years
Apr 27, 2010
West Georgia
What is the general consensus on taking pictures at shows for personal use (not posted publicly)?
Do shows usually address it in their show rules?
I think it varies by person. I say take all the photos you want!
Don't open the cage unless you have permission, but don't be afraid to ask. Who wouldn't be flattered by photo requests?
Thanks, all! I definitely won't be opening cages! My first show, I wanted to take several, but was afraid to ask. Yay digital cameras, if someone says no, I can always delete them
I've never had a single owner object to me or the hubby taking pics and we do take a lot. If the owner is around and you admire their birds or ask a few good questions then they usually are happy to bring the birds out to pose them for you. I've even taken a few that waere good enough I emailed them to the owners.
Personally, if someone were taking photos of my birds at a show, I wouldn't mind one bit - I'd just prefer that they NOT show those photos and advertise my birds in example to whatever they're selling.
I totally agree with that! I have been to several venues that will state in the rules to expect to have pictures taken and possibly published (Dragoncon and others) and some that no recording device is allowed. So you never know until you read the fine print! I'm not that great of a photographer anyway!

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