" Phyllis Diller " is actually " Felipe "


8 Years
May 21, 2011
Champion, Michigan
Yes, its true, Phyllis Diller CROWED last week, and it was hilarious.

His voice cracked and he doesnt have the " Whole crow sound " down yet, but its adorable and , boy, is he a FANTASTIC Rooster!

I have a Chicken Cam installed with night vision that I found in the Hardware Dept at

Walmart for $84 and it is excellent.

He is a wonderful protector of his girls and it is so much fun to switch on Chicken Tv on my tv after I close up their coop, and watch him call each girl, in the Order HE wants them, up into the larger nesting area.

If one goes up out of turn, he chases her back down the ladder until SHE is called up.

Funny thing is that he lets them out, in the same order as they went up.

He is such a sweetie.

Since he cant see too well, he loves to ride around on my shoulder so he can see down..LOL.

Anyway, he's my boy..

Felipe..and NO, he doesnt have a Jersey Giant growing out of his " Hair "..thats Winnie, one of his girls.


Felipe and his girls enjoying scratch grains.

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He looks like my Einstein. Einstein just got a trim the other night. His crest was getting way out of control. I wanted to make sure he could see to eat. Now his mate Emma has such a nice rounded up out of her eyes crest.
Oh, he's really very cool looking! Here's my Polish Bantam roo:


I love to share pics.
This is PJ (Partybird Junior) Named after his dad. He's a frizzle.
I had to trim on a polish mix I have. Made a huge difference. The poor thing was running into stuff and I was like...what is his problem???


This was when I finally trimmed back.


This was several weeks prior and before he had any trimming. what's going on? Where is everyone? XD
I have a Phyllis too! she is a splash Polish..I wonder how many Phenotype inspired names are out there? I think this gives me an idea for a thread.

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