pick a flock of three hens for eggs.


8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
The Cascades
Having one pretty layer like Americana would be nice. Is it possible to have a Rhode Island and 2 Americanas?

What would you choose?

Coop will be 8 x 4, insulated. Out doors will be 5 x 32 plus some extra.
My best layer is an andalusian hen. She is nearly 3 years old and lays circles around girls half her age...and her eggs are white so you could go RIR or gold comet, Ameraucana, and Andalusian for three different colors!
My cuckoo and BC Marans have been both good layers and faithful broodies. You can't beat Production Reds (hatchery RIR) for giving lots of big brown eggs. Mine even groom the nest and cheer lead for the Marans in their brooding. About a week into setting I shut the busybodies out of the broody box. So I like a mixed flock, with mostly reliable production breeds and one or two good broodies mixed in.

We don't need 25 new chicks every year. Having a broody raise a handful is fun for the whole family and provides affordable replacement stock. Of course, we do have 1 rooster...

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