Picked on chicken


Aug 30, 2020
hello ! i have 7 chickens, all different breeds, all grown up together and are now almost a year old. my lavender americana has gotten pecked at badly 3 times for the time we’ve had them. she’s only been pecked at by my cinnamon queen and she is the “leader” of the flock.

the first time she was injured under her wing, bleeding, we isolated her. second time on her butt but we didn’t isolate her. every time i spray her wounded area with “blue cote” which covers the blood and cleans it. when we isolated her we put her in a dog kennel right beside the run so that all the chickens can still see her.

this time i went to go check the chickens because i didn’t see them all day, so they were sleeping and her back was pecked RAW!! about 3 inches wide and tall :((( luckily she wasn’t bleeding but her feathers are all gone in that area. i sprayed her and quickly isolated her. poor thing is probably traumatized :(

my mom and i are kind of at a loss for what we should do because she’s always been the “odd one out” and she’s quite shy as well.

should we separate the cinnamon queen to “punish her” and kind of reset the pecking order? of course the lavender americana will need to be isolated until she heals to that will take quite a bit but we’re sad and frustrated!

anything helps thank you ❤️


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hello ! i have 7 chickens, all different breeds, all grown up together and are now almost a year old. my lavender americana has gotten pecked at badly 3 times for the time we’ve had them. she’s only been pecked at by my cinnamon queen and she is the “leader” of the flock.

the first time she was injured under her wing, bleeding, we isolated her. second time on her butt but we didn’t isolate her. every time i spray her wounded area with “blue cote” which covers the blood and cleans it. when we isolated her we put her in a dog kennel right beside the run so that all the chickens can still see her.

this time i went to go check the chickens because i didn’t see them all day, so they were sleeping and her back was pecked RAW!! about 3 inches wide and tall :((( luckily she wasn’t bleeding but her feathers are all gone in that area. i sprayed her and quickly isolated her. poor thing is probably traumatized :(

my mom and i are kind of at a loss for what we should do because she’s always been the “odd one out” and she’s quite shy as well.

should we separate the cinnamon queen to “punish her” and kind of reset the pecking order? of course the lavender americana will need to be isolated until she heals to that will take quite a bit but we’re sad and frustrated!

anything helps thank you ❤
Well, I dont know if separating the nasty hen will change anything,and you have done great isolating the hurt one! Good call :thumbsup You could try, it shouldn't hurt her being separate, maybe give it a try for a week, or whatever you feel like, and see what happens.
hello ! i have 7 chickens, all different breeds, all grown up together and are now almost a year old. my lavender americana has gotten pecked at badly 3 times for the time we’ve had them. she’s only been pecked at by my cinnamon queen and she is the “leader” of the flock.

the first time she was injured under her wing, bleeding, we isolated her. second time on her butt but we didn’t isolate her. every time i spray her wounded area with “blue cote” which covers the blood and cleans it. when we isolated her we put her in a dog kennel right beside the run so that all the chickens can still see her.

this time i went to go check the chickens because i didn’t see them all day, so they were sleeping and her back was pecked RAW!! about 3 inches wide and tall :((( luckily she wasn’t bleeding but her feathers are all gone in that area. i sprayed her and quickly isolated her. poor thing is probably traumatized :(

my mom and i are kind of at a loss for what we should do because she’s always been the “odd one out” and she’s quite shy as well.

should we separate the cinnamon queen to “punish her” and kind of reset the pecking order? of course the lavender americana will need to be isolated until she heals to that will take quite a bit but we’re sad and frustrated!

anything helps thank you ❤️
what we did is apply vinegar. If the wound is not like blooody or anything, spray some vinegar on it and that deters the chickens right away and kinda works like a miracle. You can do that with anything actually, and they won’t bother it! Also, make sure to isolate the chicken that’s pecking because it basically embarrasses them therefore like loosing the rank if they have any. Our hen that used to peck now never pecks again. I also find that if you have just a shy chicken breed like an Amerucuana don’t go well with breeds that are more dominant like a Wyandotte or an Orpington. Maybe like a silkie would bond with her, or a more calmer breed. Hope this works🐓🐓🐓😁
what we did is apply vinegar. If the wound is not like blooody or anything, spray some vinegar on it and that deters the chickens right away and kinda works like a miracle. You can do that with anything actually, and they won’t bother it! Also, make sure to isolate the chicken that’s pecking because it basically embarrasses them therefore like loosing the rank if they have any. Our hen that used to peck now never pecks again. I also find that if you have just a shy chicken breed like an Amerucuana don’t go well with breeds that are more dominant like a Wyandotte or an Orpington. Maybe like a silkie would bond with her, or a more calmer breed. Hope this works🐓🐓🐓😁

thank you so much !! in the future i will for sure use the vineager as an option! and i will have to separate the cinnamon queen, we did it for one day the first time this happened and it didn’t seem to do anything :/
here’s our chickens:
cinnamon queen
buff orphington
black australop
lavender americana
red jungle fowl

none of them are very dominant other than the cinnamon queen, the red jungle fowl and americana seem to stick together ❤️

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