Picking out chicks at the feed store

The sex-links are 100% accurate, so a little difference in their markings is nothing to worry about. I have 26 Black sex-links and some have more gold in their necks than others.

ETA: Although, being a feed store, it is also possible that they may have mixed some other breeds in (not uncommon!) I would check a hatchery webpage to get an idea of what they should look like, just in case.
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The only one close to this one I've hear about was using a magnatized needle. Hang it from a string or some such and the needle swings or circles or something. The therory supposedly works on the premise of iron content in the chicks blood. One sex has more iron in the blood then the other. How true this is I have no idea and I've never seen the needle trick. Just an old chicken sexing trick I had heard about from an old timer.
Sounds about as reliable as the needle trick! That's like the old hanging your wedding ring on a string over a pregnant woman's belly and if it goes in a circle it's one sex and if it goes back and forth it's the other. Ha!
I like that one. I want to start making up nonsense ways to determine all kinds of things.
Throw your keys across the counter in the morning, if they fall on the floor, you will have a bad day at work.
Cut off some of your hair and throw it in the air, if it drifts behind you, we will be getting engaged soon.
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