Picking Problems


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 8, 2007
Kennesaw, GA
We've recently noticed a couple of a chicks picking at each other. Mainly on the feathers, thank God, and we try to stop them. They don't draw blood and they don't act very aggressive like jump on each other and pick at each others eyes and feet!

Which is good in my eyes I thought that perhaps they're establishing a pecking order (They are 4.5 weeks now) However, I "pick" back when they display this behavior but could there be more reasons for them to be picking at each other?

We've moved them into Mom's bathroom, the air flow's better. It's not as hot for them. And we're hopefully getting a bigger cage soon that will be mailed to us.

I'm curious if they'll stop this behavior if we do this. Will that work? Could it just be that Mom and I are paranoid and they're just making a pecking order?
We only have three of them but their cage is getting a little smaller. Since we're getting a new one will this behavior stop? They're now in a cooler room too my mom will be home later today so hopefully she'll see how they're doing.

You seem to know a lot about chickens. *Has seen you giving advice on other threads*
Chick update!

We've moved them into a bigger cage until we get their coop up. We've been watching them and they haven't been picking at each other. I guess that they were crowded. Yay.

Mama and I don' thave a digital camera of a scanner so no. We do have pictures of them I'm hoping one of my friends can scan it into their computers and send the pictures to me.


We think that they're bantams and thy have feathers on their legs that come down like bell bottoms. We have two yellow ones--one of them is very tiny she's runtish but she holds her ground and if the big ones bother her she doesn't take any crud from them, China doesn't have a lot of deathers yet and still has a ton of down. xD Queenie has the most feathers but beneath her wings are still naked
she's taken a liking to flying around she's yellow too. And Truffles is brown with black stripes along her feathers she has the most feathers the lacks not at the edge but in the middl she's the snuggly one who likes being pet.

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