Pics from today


12 Years
Mar 2, 2007
I was down taking a couple pics of my youngest hen today and took these.

Up first is Rhett (who was to be Scarlet until I realized at about 8 weeks she would crow someday! LOL). He's my gorgeous 27 week old RIR roo. He towers over everybody, and really does over my papa roo, Sparky. That's the Spark-o-man behind Rhett.

Rhett is standing right in front of the Sanctuary, which I think is about 28 inches tall in the front, so Rhett's a big boy. Oh, and he loooooooves his ladies! LOL


Next, for your viewing pleasure is Daisy. The elderly couple I got her from this summer told me she is a Partridge Rock. But, she looks more like a Buff Delaware. Is there such a thing? She's coming out of a molt right now, so she's a bit scruffy looking. I'd love to hear what all of you think about her breeding. Her legs are white, and I think her single comb shows here in the pic.

Hansome RIR roo!!

As for the girl - I wish I could be of more help, but I'm certainly not seeing a Partridge Rock... maybe a mix, if any. But I would think of any Rock cross, she would be more apt to be a Red Rock cross.
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Red Rock? Hmm.......first I've heard that. Now I have something else to search for!
Just don't mention this to my DH, he already thinks I spend far too much time checking out all things chicken! LOL

Seriously, though I did wonder about her being some kind of Orp cross, too.

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