
8 Years
May 15, 2011
I have a flock of 9 hens. About 2 weeks ago, my son noticed a small black spot on our 9 month old Buff Orpington's comb. Didn't think too much about it. Today, I let the hens out to free range for a couple hours like I do most days. When I went to herd them all back into their coop/run, I noticed we were missing our Buff Orpington. My son searched and searched for her and finally found her laying in some bushes on the other side of our neighbor's yard. She has never gone that far and she always stays with the flock. Anyway, when I picked her up, I noticed her COMB looked AWFUL! Please see the pictures below. The comb appears to be bleeding. I can see what appears to be dry blood down her beak. PLEASE ANYONE! What could this be and what should I do?
Looks like she's low on the pecking order. She's been pecked on. I would clean it up and put some Blu-Kote on it. Keep an eye on her until it heals. She should be fine.
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She could have been injured by a dog or cat or other predator and maybe she escaped them and was hiding.......None the less, combs do heal quickly. I would clean up the blood and spray her comb with a little bit of Blue Cote spray. Works like a charm. The color is bright blue, but that's a good color, because chickens don't seem to be attracted to it.

Glad she's OK, she'll heal up just fine...

I hope this is the case. Thank you everyone. Where do I get this Blue-cote spray?
Blue Kote or Blue Lotion can be found at most farm stores and even some pet stores. There is a version out now that has a spongy swab on the end of a stick that is attached to the lid - this is SOOOO easy to apply. And I agree- it looks like the other chickens are pecking at her comb. The bluekote should put a stop to that.
I'm gonna have to dissent here, for what it's worth. This is what happened with one of my ee's combs. First noticed a couple tiny black spots. Stayed that way like two weeks. Then one morning, blood. There was even blood sprayed inside the roost. Over the next few days, more black spots, white spots, bubbling eyes...Now I have three ladies with the pox. One of them is in my garage in a dog crate b/c she seems to have developed the bad type. Hopefully it's just being henpecked, but please watch closely! good luck!

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