Pics!! Is this normal for EE??

Easter Eggers don't have a SOP. They're mutts. Any chicken with a blue egglaying ancestor is an EE.

It's normal for a portion of Easter Egger crosses - EE x Brown egger. I've had a EE without muffs or a beard, and two that had yellow legs. They all layed green eggs except for one with the yellow legs, she had a pea comb. It's most probably she'll lay pink/tinted/brown eggs.

Thanks for the info, but yes I'm aware that there isn't a SOP for EE's and was just being sarcastic, hence the "lol"
Neither of my EE'ers have muffs, beards, etc. One's got dark coloring and slate colored legs; she lays a mint green/blue egg. The other's got silver with reddish mottling and she's got yellow legs. No idea what egg she lays yet.

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