Pics of all kinds of silkies growing up. (Splash, White, Blue, and a touch of Partridge)

Who's the cutest?

  • Albedo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Willow

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Gracey

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Sunflower

    Votes: 5 55.6%

  • Total voters


11 Years
Apr 4, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
I say all kinds because not only are they different colors, they're all hatchery chicks except for one possibly show-quality so they all look drastically different. Anyway. Hope you enjoy!

And have fun with the poll! I added multiple choice so if you absolutely cannot choose between two... go ahead, but I am really curious so if you could pic only one, please try :))​

White Silkie, first one I picked out.

He was SOOOO noisy as a chick (and so snuggly).

Named him "Lily" at this point in hopes he'd be a girl.

Realized he was most likely a boy at this point.

Knew he was a rooster now- he started crowing. Changed his name to Albedo.

Most recent pictures of him.

Splash Silkie. Picked him out because he fell asleep in my hands. He looks like he hates the world.

I had no idea he was a splash but I suspected because of a few dark feathers he had.

Gave him the name Willow because it was unisex in my opinion- and pretty like him.

Kept thinking he was a hen because his tail was low... which is silly- his stance is real tall.

After we separated Albedo, he started crowing. A. LOT.

He's turned out gorgeous, hasn't he?

Most recent pics of him.

Blue Silkie. Almost didn't take her home because I only planned on getting two silkies. So glad I did.

Named her Gracey after my friend's character she made. My friend passed away in April 2013.

Was really worried she was a boy for a while because of that tail.
But she wasn't bred for silkie looks- she's a hatchery chick.

But I'm pretty confident she's a girl now, as are many other people. Here's more recent pics (17-18 weeks).

Oh, and here's my Partridge pullet, Sunflower. I got her at 10 weeks though, so no baby pics.
This pic is at 10 weeks. She's a show-quality silkie so she looks a lot different.

This pic is a couple weeks ago.

Most recent picture.

And here are some group pictures.

When we first got Sunflower. She was half Gracey's size, and under half Willow's size (he's a lot bigger than this pic suggests).

She looks huge in all her pics 'cause she's so fluffy.

They were starting to warm up to Sunflower.

She was so tiny she had to be separated unless supervised until she got bigger.

A couple weeks ago I took comparison pics.

Gracey is now half Willow's size.

Sunflower has caught up to Gracey and is almost her size.

Willow is huge. Enough said.

Most recent pic of the three together.

Here's all of them in one pic. Albedo is separated, yes.
If him and Willow were together they'd fight (trust me, I know their personalities) and Albedo is aggressive.

Anyway. Hope you enjoyed :)

(For the poll, I've picked Sunflower. She's definitely the cutest to me. LOL.)​
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I think Sunflower is the fluffiest with the nicest coloring, but Gracey radiates a sweet quality that makes me want to reach into the screen and cuddle her. What's her temperament like? Lol - am I completely missing the boat? For all I know, she could be a vicious, blood-thirsty beast behind that calm exterior.
I think Sunflower is the fluffiest with the nicest coloring, but Gracey radiates a sweet quality that makes me want to reach into the screen and cuddle her. What's her temperament like? Lol - am I completely missing the boat? For all I know, she could be a vicious, blood-thirsty beast behind that calm exterior.

You're pretty spot-on!

Gracey is very docile- I can carry her with one hand (not that I do it often). She doesn't mind when I reach over and pet her on the chest and whatnot but she's wary of taking new treats from me. She's very reliant on Willow and does not like to be away from him. She is very easy to handle and overall really sweet.

Sunflower is amazingly docile but harder to handle. She tends to freak out, but on the ground she is even calmer than Gracey when I go to pet her. She lets me pet under her chin and chest and is... kind of slow and ditzy. She chirps sweetly a lot. Gracey is more quiet until she's separated from Willow and Sunflower for a moment!


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