pics of cleaning,storing,laying hens, and eggs!!!


12 Years
Jun 18, 2008
Here you can post pics of your laying hens, eggs, and the process you take to clean and store your eggs for those hungry costumers!
here i will go first:
Hens laying eggs:

this is Goldie a RIR who is 20 weeks old and laying in the wrong spot... oh well still, EGGS!!


here are some hens (still laying in the wrong spot) waiting in line to lay

and here is Rain a porcelain d'uccle bantam also laying were goldie did..

egg and were they laid them



here is Cluckers my EE 24 week old hens egg. of corse it was white...

storingand cleaning:


the eggs then go to the water bucket were i clean and make sure they are good to make them pretty and healthy to eat.

next they go to the dryer wich is just two boards with a little crack in the middle for extra fast drying.

and last but not least the eggs make there way to the fridge awaiting costumers.

finished product
*edited to say just 2 more eggs and then it will be the finished product.

*sorry about the date on my camera i know i really should fix that...
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no i dont let them sit in the water i hold them up and the water isnt usually dirty.. i hold them in my hand and scrub, it only take a few seconds to wash the egg.
*edited to say: I usually wash them in that cup that you see inside the fridge but i was cleaning it so i couldnt use it for the pick.
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Well your picture shows them laying in the dirty water. If they're dirty enough to need washing you need to do it under very warm running water.....never cool or cold water.
I would not wash them at all because it removes the bloom and allows bacteria to enter the egg. I don't wash my eggs and I sell them and everyone who has eaten them is fine.

Henry is right. You aren't really to wash eggs. You can use a stiff brush or sand paper to clean them. Really dirty eggs here get fed to the pigs or scrambled and fed back to the chickens. Sometimes the dogs get them too.
I normally don't wash mine either. The ones that are dirty enough to warrent washing I keep for me to use. The occasional really poopy one goes out to the dogs and cats.
well have you ever had blood streaks or something across the egg shell? well not to many customers want that on there eggs. but i mainly just use water to float test my eggs.

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