Pics of my new Sunbeam Snake! [WARNING: SNAKE PICTURES] new pics pg. 7

Awesome looking snake!!!!!!
He is a very handsome fellow. Be sure to get him a gal!

Out of curiousity, does he stink at all or is he slippery? Hold on, before anyone jumps me about being ignorant to snakes, I do know a normal snake isn't "slimey", I've dealt with snakes before. I just wonder what causes that irridescent shine, I know sometimes an irridescent shine can be caused by overactive oil glands or something along those lines, so I was curious as to what causes him to shine as such.

He is very pretty. Now I'm off to google Sunbeam Snakes.
Thanks everyone!

Jordan, one of his future babies totally has your name on it!

They are native to Indonesia

Kim, he is a bit more slippery than your average snake. Usually snakes feel just like leather, but this guy is super smooth, even my cornsnakes feel really coarse in comparison to how smooth this guy is, and he does have a bit of a slippery texture but that could just be because they're kept in such humid conditions.
Yes, I really did do a little jig! I want one, now. LOL. They're so cool. And smoother than a corn, that's gotta be amazing. Im used to gopher snakes and corns, so the corns are definitely smoother. That's gotta be something. I need to go upstairs and get a snake now, I wanna hold one.
Thanks, I thought he might be a little more oily or smooth. I read up on them, it says they prefer to burrow, does he hide out of view? As cool as I think snakes are, my biggest "peeve" about exotic animals would be they they are strictly nocturnal or they hide all the time. So does this guy hide out of sight all the time, or is he fairly active and bold? Was he captive bred or wild caught, I read that they are mostly wild caught, but I don't know how old the article was or how accurate. Find him a gal and you're in business!
Wait till you feel one of these. Smooth as oil!

Oh man, too bad I couldnt go in on that deal with those snakes from Carol! I would have made you bring him so I could touch him!
Thanks, I thought he might be a little more oily or smooth. I read up on them, it says they prefer to burrow, does he hide out of view? As cool as I think snakes are, my biggest "peeve" about exotic animals would be they they are strictly nocturnal or they hide all the time. So does this guy hide out of sight all the time, or is he fairly active and bold? Was he captive bred or wild caught, I read that they are mostly wild caught, but I don't know how old the article was or how accurate. Find him a gal and you're in business!

They do prefer to burrow and yes, out of sight. They live in rice paddies so they like it really humid and they want to hide, it's not something that you'll get to see while in its tank, though that could partially be because the humidity is so high that the sides of the tank are going to be completely wet, anyway! I'm not sure if he's wild caught or not, but it's true that most of them still are, they're uncommon and more difficult than most to breed in captivity, plus they're pretty readily available to ship in from asia so that's what most people do. I'm currently emailing with someone who has a WC female, though, so maybe I can start producing some CB babies! I would sure like to, from what I hear, these guys may become nonexistant in the hobby, and it's strange that not more people have/breed them. I'd love to do what I can to make CB more of an option than WC, since I'm not big on keeping WC specimens.

Jordan, if you had been able to go in on those hypo lav corns, I wouldn't have had the room to get this guy!

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