Pics of my new Sunbeam Snake! [WARNING: SNAKE PICTURES] new pics pg. 7

The only downside is that they like being buried in very wet earth so you don't see them when they're in their cage, and they don't like being held much and tend to musk and apparently their musk is one of the worst. I heard you have to take like 5 showers and wash your clothes 5 times for the stench to come out. Lol it's gonna be a bummer when I get musked!

But they sure are beautiful!
Musk, what a horrific enemy!

I caught a gopher snake a few months ago and unbeknownst to me, he musked on my hand. While trying to grab my camera, I wiped my mouth.... With the musked hand. Good Lord almighty I almost died. I was running around gagging my guts up trying to explain what musk was to my grandma, lol.
He is absolutely stunning Kanchii. WTG on that find. Flirt more with that guy.
OH your snake is beautiful. Oh how I would like to see one in person. I doubt there are many that would compare to your snake. How wonderful you have such a gift. I love snakes the husband would have a heart attack!!!
oh my god I think I'd slit my wrists right there, that's just too freaking NASTYYYYY

Dont be so dramatic, Madison!
But seriously, it was one of the most terrible things that has ever happened to me, lol.

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