Picture thread of my hens!


Can't wait for Lacey duck to find the big stream. It has lots of different parts, deep parts, shallow parts and plant filled parts. Here's some of it!



Quite a lot of updates for you all!
Poor top hen Dolly is the oldest of my lot and is struggling with this moult. She came out this morning and was tumbling around and doesn't have much strength to stand up for long. I drove down to the Petshop and bought her a big bag of mealworms, made her se scrambled egg and got her se vitamin water. She ate a few mouth fulls and then stopped. She's been put into baby ducks old shed for today to see how she does. Don't want her away for long because Penny (who has been climbing up the pecking order recently) is eyeing her up and right now Dolly isn't even fit enough to beat the bottom hen. Whilst she had her food, the other hens enjoyed a peck block. UPDATE ON HER NOW: She has gone off her legs now and can't walk. I'm having to hand feed her now.



This is the boy duck I got for Lacey. He's being very respectful and keeping himself to himself playing in he stream so I'm going to give it a week and if Lacey doesn't take to him I will give him back to my friend. If I didn't like him I would just send him back, but he is really nice. Don't know why she doesn't like him haha! Lacey was happy enough with the chickens, I should have listened to myself instead of believing people on other groups complaining she would be lonely.

Lacey enjoying the view

Well my poor Mabel is missing. Went up to syringe feed dolly and it took me till it was dark. I then went into the big shed to check everyone was there and I could tell someone was missing before I even counted and it was Mabel. I checked all the other sheds, glanced in the trees and checked I didn't look her in the feed shed. I then walked around the top end of the field looking for her and and there was nothing. Then came back checked the shed again, then went to the other side of the field and checked around there and some of the bottom, I then went and looked in the field next door and then climbed back into the woods and checked there which was horrible. I then climbed in the tree to check she deffo wasn't there and then went to the other part of the field. Weird things started to happen after that which made me leave. I just pray she is ok.
Still no sign of her :(. Only thing I'm holding onto is that she is broody somewhere but something still could have got her through the night. I've been at work on night time for like the past week so have been leaving the door timer to put them in and it was only lastnight i went to check all was still going how it should be with their sleeping arrangements. But I remember yesterday when I went up Mabel was nowhere to be seen in the morning and then I went back up after lunch and she was there and was acting broody, but I just thought she was copying the Orpingtons coz they pretend to be.

There will be no funny business whilst Mamas in the bed! Daffy ended up sleeping under Bella with Lacey. I then shut the shed door and opened it up again and Lacey was asleep on the floor and Daffy was still asleep in the nest box with Bella!


Well this is an improvement! She still runs away from him but she doesn't scream whilst doing it anymore haha
I hope Dolly will be alright. The older mine get the less they molt. But they are orpingtons and I don't think they believe in schedules.

Lacy's picture made me laugh. A duck and her view.
My fingers are crossed for Dolly's recovery.
I also hope that Mabel returns home soon.

The photo of Daffy, Bella, and Lacey makes me laugh. Isn't that cute how Bella "adopted" him as well!
Hopefully Lacey and Daffy become good friends soon. Daffy is a looker! ;)
Poor Dolly - I have never had a chicken get weak like that due to a moult. I hope she improves. I also hope Mabel turns up.

LOL, Lacey the duck thinks she is a chicken, I guess that is why she not really lonely and not really sure about Daffy. But Daffy is cute, and he will keep he company while swimming.

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