Pictures from our Hill Farm Nr Bala North Wales

Breathtakingly beautiful! It reminds me of many childhood visits to Wales. I used to love rambling through the old castles. My mothers side of the family is mostly Welsh (Jones and Drake) and they lived in a place where the translation means "Field of Spotted Trout" but I forget the Welsh for it. My parents still go most years but now I'm too busy to join them. Thanks for the memories your photos generated!
Now I know why Welsh ponies are so fat...such grass *hungry look in her eyes* Hey, I'm in Israel...I'm allowed to covet my neighbor's grass!
I'm looking for help-I can't seem to put images on here. I tried to use facebook to do it but it doesn't come out as a link or photos.HELP!
You made me smile, coveting the photos, go to it is so easy to download from you comptuer and then upload onto the forum.
Thank you! You are such a star...SUCCESS!!
Now I have a picture rather than just the ominous words "I know it looks like I'm strangling her but I'm not, I promise".
Life saver
English Chick--
Your place is so lovely............what a wonderful scenic countryside...........a place I would surely like to be as well as many others on here I imagine!
Thank you for sharing--I will look for even more picts soon!!
Take care-

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