Pictures of my flock

They are too cute... I hatched out 19 around the same time, 1 didnt make it, 10 got sold this past Sat. 5 more are being sold this week and I'm keeping 3 I hatched for myself... Its been sooo nice here lately I've had them outside all day in a area they can free range in, I love watching them
was just updating my flock after I got two 6 week old chicks....I can't believe how much they have changed in only two weeks!
Two months ago I started my first flock with 12 SLW chicks who were just days I have 18 chicks with a few Java's coming...I hope!
Just some pix from today:

The "Jailbird collection" as I call them --- 10 chicks total: 3-Dominiques, 2-Cuckoo Marans, 2-Barred Rocks, and 3-Partriage Rock/other brown chicks

From the Marans pen ---- Black Copper Maran cock, Blue/grey possibly EE mix of unknown gender named Puffy Cheeks, and Cuckoo Marans pullet named Dot


The youngsters group -- 16 chicks that I hatched out, my youngest chicks -- all mutts

This is a Black Copper Marans in with the youngsters group, because she got her leg caught on the fence the other day and it ripped her skin pretty bad. She is acting like nothing is wrong, but the smaller chicks are less rough on her plus she can snooze under their heat lamp while she recovers.

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