Pictures of OEGB and banty wyandotte chicks?

OEGB at 3 days


In otherwards tiny compared to silkie and standard size birds. At 14 weeks he was 1.2 lbs
I just got some assorted OEGB from Ideal. I have no idea what their colors are, but if someone on here does their intelligence would be greatly appreciated. Until then, I will watch them grow and hopefully discover what they are later, and remember to get back on here and share.

Silver Laced.

Red Pyle

Gold Laced

They apear to be blue.

Dark Brahma, buff silkie, unknown OEGB color type. I have eleven of these striped OEGB.

These ones are B.B Red.
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I ended up hatching out 4 mille Fleur OEGB, 1 SLW and out of a BLW I ended up with was a black wyandotte lol. Sadly the SLW got kill... but I adopted a crook beak chick from school that looks almost like its a blue barred wyandotte. He/she is very pretty but I'm not sure of the color he/she has.

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