Pictures of the Ugliest , Weirdest, Chicken Houses or Coops

Dr.Doorlock :

My coop may not be ugly, but it's just plain weird with gadgets. Check it out at my blog:

Looks good! Loved the Nest boxes and and the windows you added. I may try to make a more "modern" chicken house this summer. But probaly won't tear down my old house though- I'm kinda partial to it!! I really want to make some chicken tractors too because behind the chicken shack we have about 4 acres I could move them around in. This would keep the growth down some and still let them scratch the ground for bugs and stuff. I may have to call in my BIL - He's good at making stuff- I'm good at tearing it up!!​
I am planning to use an old camper shell !
Make sure you post that picture when you do- I've heard of a lot of people who use campers and such to make chicken coops. Even saw a couple somewhere where they used an old van.
HappyHatch'en :

Your coop offers everyone diversification....I like works....perhaps inspiring others to build one.

Thanks!! Read your Byc page too- Wishing you the best on the back surgery! I've had 1 and that will be the only 1 if I can help it!!

LOVE it when you can make something out of just what is laying around!!
My brother cleans out foreclosed homes and finds tons of stuff people leave behind !!
We built our first coop that way and it was all they needed at the time....
But, we did upgrade , due to a predator attack that wiped out my first flock

Thanks for sharing the great pix!! You both did a great job!
it reminds me of when I was growing up. No need to laugh when people recycle and reuse. It means you are doing your part for the environment and your wallet. Gotta tell you,I lived in some houses you could watch the chickens scratch the dirt from the cracks in the wood floors when I was small.
Me too- We lived on my uncle's farm one time- The house had the old brown asphalt siding and three rooms. The bathroom was in the chicken house- My uncle had a really heavy bottom roost close to the ground, You just sat on it and went to town. There were miles of gullies and old barns and sheds and pastures and fields . It was the best place I ever lived!! I slept on the front porch in the summer with a sheet tied on the old porch swing to keep out the mosquitoes. The porch light had one of those old plugs with outlets and a pull string. I would plug up my little radio and listen to scary stories on the radio . Didn't even realize we were "poor" LOL


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