Pictures Of Your Chickens With Descriptions


7 Years
Jun 12, 2015

Sunset Vulken is my female Buff Orpington Chicken, she is very docile, calm, and loves to relax in the shade. She doesn’t mind being around small chickens, and sometimes she will offer them food but will accidentally swallow the food herself.
This is Unlucky, my favorite EE. She is the runt of the group but has a great spunky attitude She loves attention and always wants to know what we are doing or more importantly what treats we have. She lays a lovely light blue egg :)
My daughter named her Unlucky because she was the runt and always seemed to be the one to get run over in the brooder She continues to have hard luck, for example today she stepped on a wasp and got stung for her troubles. Poor little girl!
This is Chick-Pea, she is a Sarema Hen. She goes broody for a really long time, sometimes even as long as 4 months. When broody I often have to take her out of the nesting box and put her by the food or feed her by hand. When she isn't broody she enjoys running up to me and lightly pecking at my leg or wiping her beak on my Croc Shoes in order to get attention. She also really loves this plant called Pineapple Sage and will often lay her egg under it. Her eggs are a tiny bit bigger than a quarter, they are light beige in color and are very smooth She can be quite the feisty hen, and will often run up and peck at the other bigger chickens even if they aren't in her way. She used to run at me and karate kick me, but doesn't do that anymore. She is so cute and I love her very much.
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Awwe she's sooo cute!! I wrote an article about Broodys and how to break the broodiness a little bit ago. You have to take them far away or inside the house. It's called 'Broody Breeds and how to Stop them'. In the forum 'chicken breeds'

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