Pictures of your home-made coops and runs!

My husband and I built this in the early spring this year. We thought it would be cheaper to build our own but boy were we wrong! Oh well, it's what we wanted!

I think it looks great. I especially like the red chair for the girls. :)

Lisa :)
I've noticed quite a few coop's with feeders suspended, is this a better way than feeders on the ground. ???
When my feeder was on the ground the chickens scratched all over it and pooped in it, I hung it as high as their backs and no more mess!

This is our first time coop in the making! We still need a ramp and some perches. Any suggestions for Anything else? The coop has a built in heater and light
The interior of our coop is finally complete! Now I have to finish the exterior and run. The girls tried it out for the first time last night. They went from a 3'x4' brooder box to a 6'x9' coop. Wanted to share a few pictures before the girls moved in. It will probably never look this nice again!


Vintage door and two hinged stained glass windows I purchased off ebay.

Pop door on the left and a solo external nest box on the right.


Poop tray is 22 inches deep and 33" from floor to lip. Front roost bar is 4" high and centered roost bar is 12" high.


Tilt out windows on back and side walls with large vent openings the length of the each wall. Also four additional external nest boxes on back wall. I am using Stall Dry in the poop tray (was the cheapest locally available option) and sand on the floor.


My dad and i built this coop for our chickens and ducks the door to the hutch is operated by a pulley system. There is also a set of three nesting boxes on the back of the actual hutch. A door on the side of the hutch allows for easy clean out. the top can be propped up with useless boards so we can add sand.

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