Pictures of your Quilts please. UPDATE I FOUND THE PATTERN

I really enjoy browsing through this thread and looking at everyone's beautiful creations. The quilts are all so delightfully varied in their designs and color schemes.

Nice work ladies:
gave me some Ideas for my next quilt try to do one a month, ( tops, I cheat and send them out to be machined quilted did one in the ditch took me 3 years to complete, still need to learn how to rock the needle) Nice fabric combos nothing nicer than getting a quilt that someone took the time and effort to make pretty, I just finished a nine patch top and was looking for my next project, think I found it in the first quilt pictured, and a few more that caught my eye gonna be a busy girl for the next few months.:
My goodness girl what are you doing up so early. lol I got up about and hour and half after you.
It's going to be a long day.
Hi-can anyone give me some phone #'s or contact info for people who have long-arm quilting machines that will quilt some tops for me? I have several I want quilted.
You can pm me if we aren't suppose to put the info here.
How cute is that! Where did you find the patterns?

I agree.....i would love the pattern too! It would make a wonderful chistmas present.


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