Pictures of your silkie and buff Orpington mix hens!

Oh i love this!!!
We have a new frizzle/ silkie rooster, and all our pullets are large.3 buff orps and some buff ameraucanas. One of our pullets is a silkie/ee cross. So we wanted a small rooster for her but i was wondering if the silkie roo would be able to cover the big girls or not too!! Now i have hope!

I've been wanting to breed my silkie roos to my ee girls, what color does she lay? I'd love pictures if you have any
I've been wanting to breed my silkie roos to my ee girls, what color does she lay? I'd love pictures if you have any

Only my buff orps starting laying. My ameraucana and ee are getting close tho. Been checking out the nest boxes. I will post a pic as soon as they start :)

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