Pieds and whites... pics???

LOVE LOVE LOVE your silver pied!!!! Do you know how I can get one of these, as chicks or adult? What's it a cross between? I'm new to peas so don't know how you get the combos, yet.

If you want to be sure of silver pied chicks, you can generally order them from someone that breeds them- either a nearby place like the above people have posted, or from someone that ships them like some of the larger breeders. You can also order eggs from someone that has silver pied birds, but those eggs have a chance to hatch silver pied, white, or dark pied birds. If you find someone with a dark pied out of silver pied parents over or under a white from silver pied parents, those birds will produce eggs that produce 100% silver pied chicks.

My dark pied male and female, both out of silver pied parents:


(being tolerant of me poking her)

(then getting in my lap because I stopped)

Any my pied female, Aurora:

Aurora next to a normal IB female:

Sorry for the pic spam! I personally love the pieds a lot more than I like the whites (I see the appeal of whites, and I still think they are beautiful, mind you, I just prefer others). I think the bits of white on the pieds makes the colors stand out even more beautifully.
You are supose to be spamming on this thread

Thanks for the photo fix, they are beautiful
Yea something spooked them off the roof of the barn
Next year i will only have 2 males and 7 hens , one is a male pied the other is a IB split white and all my coloer hens are either pied,dark pied or split white so i can't wait to see what they hatch.

I hatched him from eggs that were suppose to be from BS SP was looking if I had a picture of his other side where you can see that he has the solid color of the black on the wing, do not have one of that profile and he is the only male that I have that I do not have with his tail open he just doesn't like to stand still for a picture. I saw the slight barring that you see and always assumed he was just split to BS but when I bred him to a BS hen as a 3 yr old all the chicks I hatched were BS but I did sell some of the eggs so I can not say they were all BS chicks, the last two years he has been with IB Pied WE hens. 100% sure he is BS SP no, 100% sure he is split to BS yes
Split to BS would make much more sense b/c of his barring of the wing feathers.

Zaz-you are going to have a smorgishborg (spelling) of colors coming out of them, I can't WAIT to see pics next year! Since you have that dark pied male and whites, you are going to have TONS of pieds and people are going to be begging you for them. Let's hope for an uneventful Winter and productive breeding season. Do you plan to incubate or let the hens do it? Since you live on so many acres, it's going to be like a real egg hunt for you next year. I like the fact that you can free range them, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Here's my 20+ ft. tall sunflowers last fall. (picture fix


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