Pig Butchering

And, don't waste the heart and liver. Or spleen. My dogs eat the pork heart, liver and spleen as some of their favorite, most nutritious meals. I would love if I lived near someone who raised pigs, to get fresh, farm raised pork organs! I'm feeding pork organs probably four meals a week, not counting liver jerky for agility class. If you won't use it, there are raw feeding coops all over the country you can sell it through, or Craigs list.
The organ meat is also great cooked, ground up, and turned into boudin sausage and boudin balls...the OP being in FL MAY or MAY NOT have heard of Boudin...idk...but if you haven't had a good boudin you ain't living yet!
Never heard of boudin sausage but will look into it. I was talking to my grandma and she said she would love if I could save the lard for her to cook so it looks like im going to have to find a way to scald him. I want to keep the lard for her because we are a cuban family and she talks about all the stuff they used to do with the lard. So looks like im going to be looking for a local farmer with a scalding tank.


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