Pig in House! PIC added for your amusement.

Oh my Skyesrocket no this is not normal. It is so not normal. But then again, I am starting to loose understand of what is normal. The pig pooped under the christmas tree, I laughed, that isn't normal. Oh my, ....

As of 2:30 a.m. the pig made it to the barn, in a "baby" stall with a heat lamp ( I am the queen of extension cords and right now walmart is open 24 hours:D) and able to view the other pigs and touch noses if he wishs. I did it!

Did you know that some little piglets have no fear and will chase a terrified great dane around your nice hardwood floors? I know this, now...
This little piggy is teaching you all kinds of things. Sounds to me like a FANTASTIC learning experience.

Sounds like you now have a "new normal"-I currently have a rooster in the garage and 2 Calls in the laundry room in cages. That's MY new normal.

Thanks so much for sharing your piggy experience with us-I have laughed harder at this thread than any in a long time.
Did you know that some little piglets have no fear and will chase a terrified great dane around your nice hardwood floors? I know this, now...

Too funny! It's nice to hear from other "new normals"
I was in the kitchen blow drying a silkie chick when my city mother in law called.....she had to ask me three times what I said when I told her what I was doing...

I'm glad you have the piglet situation under control.​
I was born and raised in NYC and my family was, well quite "comfortable," you know what I mean--a vacation home in Montauk, the latest clothes, etc. So when I was 21 years old I told them that I was moving to Oregon. They were devastated. How could I leave this and go to some place without these luxuries??
A few years go by and I bought a horse. The horse purchase was fine as our cousins had thoroughbred racehorses (mine was certainly not a racehorse, LOL!). However, you can only imagine what my family thought when I told them exactly how I cleaned all the stalls at the barn where Lily was boarded and then had to leave my sneakers outside for 2 weeks before I could even think of washing them due to the smell. When I told them about visiting a friend in eastern Oregon and how their FULL GROWN BOAR started chewing on my car bumper I think I heard my Mom faint on the other end of the phone.

They did come to Oregon to see me many times over the years and were nothing but supportive but didn't quite get it. So more years pass by and now we have chickens in our backyard. You know what my family said? "That's wonderful! We can't wait to see them and have some fresh eggs!!" They asked for pictures of them as they grew from little chicks to now, as laying pullets. So you see definition of "normal" can change--maybe it'll take a while but love will always win out as we realize what's really important.

I LOVE this thread and THANK YOU for some fun memories!!!
Hey, now you have funny stories to tell forever. That's the way I look at it! Who cares if they look at you strangely!
Anyone worth impressing knows that odd people are the best people!

I'm glad the cute piglet made it somewhere a bit more pig-friendly, not to mention sanity-friendly.

Skyesrocket, I laughed. What an adorable little calf!

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