pigeon breeding help !


7 Years
Sep 18, 2012
Ireland dublin
Hi I am back again for a question over the past 2 months i lost my onl breeding pair (the female was cought by a cat the male went when the female died theese were both tumblers) i would like to get my other pigeons both tumblers and homers to mate and then breed i have seen 2 of them in the same nesting bowl but 1 other in its own nesting bowl and the rest on the pearches this was at night so i am asking how could i help them breed they have nesting bowls they have fresh water and they have seeds as my pigeons are decline getting older all are above the age of 10 months my oldest one are 1 and a half year old so any answer would be brilliant thanks
Sorry about your losses. As for the breeding, just let time take it's course. Seems like they will eventually breed, if they are a male x female pair.
I bred Homing Pigeons for a few years. Do you have pigeon grit for them too? It is sort of purplish.

In cold weather they like some dried peas. I can't remember the type right now. I would have to walk out to the barn to find the name.
I suspect your feeding could be adjusted a little different for better results, (over all, not necessarily for getting them to breed) but I wont go there unless you ask for some specifics! I will say, however, that some grit for them would be nice. And make sure they have some protein in their diet, especially the breeders.
I posted that at the same time as you, FarmGirl. Pigeon grit is nice, but expensive and you often have to order it. If you are feeding an otherwise complete diet, I know of good breeders who feed turkey pellets, hog pellets and *layer pellets* (*my personal preference*) you can then use just plain poultry grit, some oyster shell is good if you don't trust your feed to have enough calcium. I feed a mix of pellets as well as seeds/grains, so they get variety. But yet I know they are getting their protein, fat and all the other things like the trace minerals and supplements like calcium, from the pellets. There are many different ways to feed, and any one way isn't really better than the other, just find what works for you, is available to you, and keeps your birds in good shape.
I can get pigeon girt in the pigeon shop but i have to get a bus and school work so i will get it on friday and also i have a male pigeon who goes to a nest and pecks off other birds then back up to his pearch ive noticed that he lets a female pigeon sit on his nest and he watches over her and when another pigeon goes near the bowl he pecks them and coos is that a good sign ?
if feeding pigeon seed mix or wild bird seed mix ect then just get "grit and gravel with calcium" from any walmart, for a buck or two. otherwise a better easier starter solution is chicken "layer" pellets, that have everything in them the breeding pigeons need to get into condition, lay, and raise young to fledge (and cheaper show and breeder conditioner than pigeon food or pound for pound seed of any kind). if you cant get or afford a big bag of layer pellets, you can just use dried used crushed chicken egg shells, and budgie/"parakeet" food, mixed with cheap wild bird food, preferably one that has, or include: corn, milo, wheat, a dash of apple cider vinager in their water will help a lot for health and vigor. or you can feed straight wheat supposedly. mine love bugs though oddly and seem to do especially well when able to get enough dandilion greens for them to gobble down, or let them out to eat what most consider pest bugs and weeds.
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