Pigeon Bulletin Board?

Where's the head? This is a Jacobin hen. They are an old breed thought to originate in Asia. They are bred to have the contrasting marking in the hood when viewed from the side, along with the long white "train" formed by the wing and tail feathers. They come in a variety of colours, but the head is always white with very short feathers. They have longer necks than other breeds, to support the hood. When they're curious about something they crane their necks sideways in an "S" shape (when viewed from the front) and can also lower the hood feathers. They can fly, but they're not very strong fliers. Mine gets her flight time in my bedroom (I cover everything with tarps first).
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Indian Fantail males. They're another old breed. There are other fantail breeds, but only the Indians have both the heavy muffs on their feet and the crests. They are a heavy, robust breed and are pretty good fliers. They are also pretty smart. My two learned quickly to fly back into their cages on command.
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The first one is called a Kite. This iridescent colour changes with the light. He shakes and vibrates his neck to show off his iridescent feathers to hens.

The second one prefers to inflate his crop and make his breast look huge for the ladies.

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