Pigeon Bulletin Board?

Wow! Thanks bio. That's a lot of pigeon!
IKR :lol: I'm sure it tastes good but I don't think I'd enjoy eating pigeon if I didn't have to, just for sentimental reasons. Have you eaten pigeon? Still it's good to learn how important pigeons are to people worldwide. The comments clarify these were farmed birds not hunted.:)
IKR :lol: I'm sure it tastes good but I don't think I'd enjoy eating pigeon if I didn't have to, just for sentimental reasons. Have you eaten pigeon? Still it's good to learn how important pigeons are to people worldwide. The comments clarify these were farmed birds not hunted.:)
I havent. But I think I could it with a meat breed, but not homers or anything! But I wouldn't be opposed to eating a chicken of mine (if I had them :) ) so Idk
I suppose I'd be willing to try pigeon. I've had quail and I've raised few
Wr just went and got 8, 12 ft long boards at the place we get our pallets. And a four foot 2 by 8 AND 5 pieces of tin! Im going to be building a new flyers coop this spring most likely. A two section with lock in boxes for homers!

I was able to reclaim some wood around the house for a small loft but I need to a more permanent build for new young birds. Hoping to raise 4 from the birds I just got. Craigslist and local construction sites are great places to get lumber. There is usually a scrap pile where they don't mind if you grab stuff.
need to a more permanent build for new young birds.
I saw your video:thumbsup
I would like to suggest using 1/2 inch hardware cloth instead of the chicken wire. Yes it is somewhat pricey, but well worth the lives of your flock. Raccoons can chew thru chicken wire in no time flat. Once they know there is a food supply, they will keep returning. Also consider securing the hardware cloth to frame, with wood lats, rather than just staples. Raccoons are quite dexterous, and able to rip things away.
I lost pigeons and chickens to Rocky Raccoon.:hit
I saw your video:thumbsup
I would like to suggest using 1/2 inch hardware cloth instead of the chicken wire. Yes it is somewhat pricey, but well worth the lives of your flock. Raccoons can chew thru chicken wire in no time flat. Once they know there is a food supply, they will keep returning. Also consider securing the hardware cloth to frame, with wood lats, rather than just staples. Raccoons are quite dexterous, and able to rip things away.
I lost pigeons and chickens to Rocky Raccoon.:hit

I was planning on using 1/2 inch on the permanent build. Still going over a few different ideas in my head. Thankfully raccoons aren't really an issue around my house. Coyotes can be but they've never managed to get into our coupe.
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