Pigeon Talk

Ive had homers be gone over night on a 0.1 mile toss! Ive also had a roller be gone for 2 nights i think. And i also lost a breeder and a neighbor called three days later and then we caught it.

@CCUK has yours returned?

@Pyxis how is your frillback?
No. That one has gone. The first time I let boomer on a proper toss she took 11 hours to do a 6 mile fly! I think she went for a fly about somewhere before deciding to return! She does that in about 15 minutes now.
Well, he's still tilted. But he can get his head to pretty much almost level, he isn't as tilted as when this first started, and it doesn't seem to be bothering him because he still eats, drinks, flaps around, etc.
Sounds like he's on the road to a full recovery. Did you find out what the problem was?
Ideas.. please give me any and all imput you have! :fl
Long story short.. as soon as ds3's bungalow is finished, hopefully in the next 2 wks. Dd3 will be moving into his camper from hers so we can move hers out and start on her bungalow in spring. Its an old camper and dh was gonna scrap it.. but, Im thinkin ,hmm loft?? Its a 20ft.. what say you all?:pop
Is it a campervan or a caravan? A caravan could be modified. But I'd be a bit worried about the wall insulation becoming home to mice and such. It could be workable though.
I think a caravan is better. You could strip it out completely and it would give you a big spacious square box that could be modified. You could probably get a hundred or so in there! :oops:
Thats what I was thinkin. And the door is almost centered.. it would really give me lots of space and options..

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