Pigeon Talk

On another thread @ChocolateMouse responded with some interesting research for handling HAWK PROBLEMS. I like to give credit where due,,,, since Caveman not a plagiarist:)
I was thinking of your circumstance currently, QWERTY but did not want to suggest something to get your bacon in trouble:thumbsup
I appreciate that! I read some now and bookmarked the rest for later.

Cooper's hawks have been around pretty much every day though its unfair to blame one hawk in particular, as I've seen at least two different sized adults (male and female) and a juvenile sitting on the roof or in the trees nearby.
Because to get to the pigeons from my front door I have to cross my driveway, I'd been throwing these at the pavement with varying degrees of success.

Some of the hawks will immediately take a hike as soon as someoe goes outside, but others won't fly off until they're positive I'm intent on coming in their direction. The hawks that did stick around were scared off by the popping. I still noticed increasing amounts of hawk poop splattered on the roof, and because I saw them several times fly a hundred feet away and sit way up in a tree, I assume they've just been coming back when I was gone.

I think I'll probably try to get some better and louder firecrackers after I exhaust easier options like cap guns. I'm definitely not letting any birds out currently but I think when the hawk pressure decreases (and over the winter) I'll try building a bigger loft and breeding some more birds and maybe eliminate loft flying entirely and just take them on tosses, since they're hit hardest when they're in the yard and below the trees. We'll see :)
I have 2, 3 day old white homers, and 2, 2 day old racing homer! :) they are all doing good. I also have my new pair of Portuguese tumblers on eggs. 15 days till they hatch.

I also have found a awesome site! It's called https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjACegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw1-E6hqfqlyFbDnl1wiIyux. It doesn't have any viruses or anything, don't worry. :p I'm now using it for my records. It is AMAZING! And it's all free!:wee
I've just spent the last two hours trying to get Ash back into the loft. She took flight with the rest and decided to go on a tour. She returned just before dark and kept circling but wouldn't go in. I ended up putting a torch over the platform, opened the door and trap fully and put all the outside lights on. She landed on top of the loft but still wouldn't go in. Two of the other pigeons even came out, flew to her and returned. She was still sat on the roof. By now it was pitch black and had started to rain so I thought well if she dont want in she can have a night out. So I locked everything up, switched off the lights and went back inside for a coffee and a whinge! I went back outside about half hour later just to check if I could see her and she was sat on the fence soaking wet and looking really miserable. I walked up to her and put my hand out, she let me pick her up and I put her back in the loft next to her pair. All present and correct. Pigeons, who'd have 'em! :th :lau

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