Pilgrim Geese thread

Woo hoo! First goose egg! Not sure whose it is, and it was half buried in sheep droppings but it's a goose egg! Cool.
I haven't seen my yard since 2 weeks before Christmas. Just all this white crap.
WOW. The lowest we got here was 34°f, and only for a day. next day we had like 38.

Our lowest actual was -24F this year. We have been above freezing once for less than 24 hours since early December. The day it got above freezing, it rained. While raining, the temp dropped again. So we have a 1-2 inch layer of ice & refrozen snow under the 6-8 inches of snow that has accumulated since then. Temps have been mostly above freezing since Sunday & even got into the 50's yesterday. Snow & ice are now beginning to melt & I can see 2 small patches of mud in my entire 2 acres other than where the 2 creeks wash through.
I have no idea how people can live with those temperatures. Well i think i do the same way we can live with over 100°f during late spring, summer early fall. Lol

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