Pilgrim Geese thread

The girls I have with my older gander are practically bald! But they keep enticing him!
Hussies if you ask me
lol Nike I had said she was getting Pilgrim geese straight run from Murray McMurray. I was wondering what she got as I too wondered why autosexing Pilgrims were sold st. run, and hoping to get Nike I to let me know what she got for her order :)

We had to cancel our order :( something got our ducks and i don't want to get anything new until we figure out what did it and catch them :(
hey i was wondering is this true that male pilgrims have blue eyes and females have brown? 
because im buying 2 adult pilgrims and i want a pair
It is true that the males do have blue eyes and females have brown eyes. But pilgrim geese are an auto sexing bird that means you will be able to check males from females on the first day of hatch. The females have a brown body and sometimes a white head and males are all white.
Male pilgrim eyes can start out brown then change to blue in the first year right? That's what one of mine did. At around 5-6 months I looked at him one day and he had his sky blue eyes! Tried looking it up in my books but didn't find anything.

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