Pilgrim Geese thread

So I must be very lucky...a local lady here has 4 goslings(2 of each) so two pairs, giving them to me free! She is bringing them on Friday to check out and approve their new home.

My first time with raising geese. I am very excited. I wanted to order online but everyone was sold out. I just got luck with her post on craigslist. Love reading all the info here.

When will it be safe to move them out into a shelter. They are 5-6weeks old. Just feathering now. Will post pics once they get here
FREE?!! Well that´s unbelievably great! They´ll be fine outside at this age in a a run if you put a cover over it so they can get out of rain and sun. And they need water deep enough to put their heads in. And they need to graze, so a moveable run or pen on grass is good. Looking forward to pics!
FREE?!! Well that´s unbelievably great! They´ll be fine outside at this age in a a run if you put a cover over it so they can get out of rain and sun. And they need water deep enough to put their heads in. And they need to graze, so a moveable run or pen on grass is good. Looking forward to pics!
X2 congrats!!
Thanks so much for starting this thread!!!

My two year old goose Beatrice has been sitting on 7 eggs for 30 days today and so far not a single one has hatched. Is it normal to go this long for geese? At 2.5 weeks they were all viable but I haven't checked since then. Am hoping they will all hatch over night.
I got my new babies today. A pair of 5-6 week old goslings. They are adorable. I have them outside in an enclosed dog kennel at the direction of the lady who brought them out. They have been outside at her house. I have the secure but, the "mommy" in me is worried about them and predators. I will be finishing off a wood coop for them over the weekend. I haven't seen any predators around but, know having our new babies could draw them in. Our yard is fenced...am I over reacting?
I got my new babies today. A pair of 5-6 week old goslings. They are adorable. I have them outside in an enclosed dog kennel at the direction of the lady who brought them out. They have been outside at her house. I have the secure but, the "mommy" in me is worried about them and predators. I will be finishing off a wood coop for them over the weekend. I haven't seen any predators around but, know having our new babies could draw them in. Our yard is fenced...am I over reacting?
No you are not over reacting, preds can climb in dig under and fly in and squeeze through a small opening, so being over protective is a good thing. Never leave them outside at night. They are adorable. Congrats.
They made it through the night although I didn't sleep much! This morning they see
To be walking around crying(squeaking) a lot. But, they sure ate up their lettuce! I assume they are still missing Mom, Dad and the other goslings ...
They made it through the night although I didn't sleep much! This morning they see
To be walking around crying(squeaking) a lot. But, they sure ate up their lettuce! I assume they are still missing Mom, Dad and the other goslings ...
They probably are and gosling from my own experience really like our company.

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