Pilgrim Geese thread

Oh good, I was a little worried for a second
Most geese depending on breed are anywhere from 3 to 4 foot tall anything bigger that swan territory in height. Just make sure the coop is big enough for
you, being bent over in a coop with little head room and a angry or nesting goose after you leaves you with no escape.
not a fun experience
Also so much easier to clean out if you have head room.

we have all the snakes you mentioned but cotton mouth, the flock stays away from any snake they see it's the ones they don;'t see that can be a worry but I'd had geese over 8yrs and ducks 11 yrs and they have never had an encounter with a copper head that I am aware of anyway. although my Muscovy duck ate a baby copper head once. Blk snakes get huge here 6' some and my flock are scared of them unless broody then I have to get the snake out before they have an encounter mainly my Scovy girls some have tried to defend their eggs from a 5-6 blk snake that's when I come to the rescue.
Typical standing height is much shorter than actual reaching height. My pilgrims stand & walk about 8-10 inches shorter than their actual height they can reach when they want to. Your embden would have no problem stretching to about 3 ft if there was something he wanted up there...lol
Typical standing height is much shorter than actual reaching height. My pilgrims stand & walk about 8-10 inches shorter than their actual height they can reach when they want to. Your embden would have no problem stretching to about 3 ft if there was something he wanted up there...lol
And there was a small piece of bread.
I have a question for my seasoned goose keepers--I've seen my geese gulping down whole pecans--shell and all--that have fallen from our tree. Can they safely digest these, or should I be moving them someplace where they can't get to the nuts?

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