Pine, Aspen or paper bedding for chicks?


Aug 22, 2022
Which bedding do you prefer? I know Pine is toxic to chickens which is why I'm confused about why shavings are used for chick bedding but I also know aspen could be more expensive and I've heard people also using shredded paper which makes me wonder about paper bedding.
Which bedding do you prefer? I know Pine is toxic to chickens which is why I'm confused about why shavings are used for chick bedding but I also know aspen could be more expensive and I've heard people also using shredded paper which makes me wonder about paper bedding.
I use aspen, and you are correct that pine can be toxic to chickens.
But if it's too pricey for you, use an ink-free, natural paper product for your bedding. :)
Cedar shavings can be toxic, not pine. That's why many chests to store special clothing are made of cedar, it kills the moths that can ruin some clothing.

Too many of us regularly use pine shavings in brooders and on the coop floor for there to be anything to the rumors that pine shavings are toxic. Aspen shavings are also not a problem. Cedar shavings can be.
I prefer aspen simply for the fact that I can get it in larger flake than pine, which reduces risk of chicks ingesting it. Pine should be fine. Personally wouldn't use paper only because it retains moisture more easily than the other two options (but my brooder is outdoors where that could be an actual problem).
I know Cedar is a no because of the smell causing respiratory issues but alot of things I saw was people saying anything pine is toxic. But I also saw pine shavings are the go to for brooders which is what confuses me lol. I personally would prefer to get Aspen. Cause I've done alot of research on it when I was in a gerbil addiction phase lol But if pine is usually safe then it's really up to what my mother wants to pay since im just manual labor and research XD. And I asked about paper because she was curious and is planning on getting a shredder for paper and cardboard to add to the brooder.
Cedar is certainly toxic, I have heard of pine being toxic but I've used it for a year with my adults and chicks with no problems. Paper is not a good option. I recommend the large flake pine shavings for chicks and adults
I know Cedar is a no because of the smell causing respiratory issues but alot of things I saw was people saying anything pine is toxic. But I also saw pine shavings are the go to for brooders which is what confuses me lol. I personally would prefer to get Aspen. Cause I've done alot of research on it when I was in a gerbil addiction phase lol But if pine is usually safe then it's really up to what my mother wants to pay since im just manual labor and research XD. And I asked about paper because she was curious and is planning on getting a shredder for paper and cardboard to add to the brooder.
If you look at the sources the sites claiming that pine is toxic they are blogs, homesteader sites and YouTube videos. If you look up the information regarding pine shavings for chickens distributed by accredited sources such as Universities and agricultural extension agencies they say it is perfectly safe.

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